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Our committees are led by a member of our Board of Directors and any Chamber member can apply to be on one of our committees.

Governmental Affairs Committee

Watchful eyes and minds in tune with issues relevant to Kerrville and Kerr County businesses is the aim of this proactive committee. Volunteers work on numerous ways to expand and retain local jobs. The also pay attention to current issues that affect businesses and inform members about local, state and national legislative issues that affect or involve both businesses and our local community. Specifically, the committee creates a list of legislative priorities and keeps members apprised of critical issues. During elections, the committee hosts forums, giving members and the general public an opportunity to receive information about local candidates seeking office. The in tuned volunteers also act as liaisons to members on city, county and state and federal affairs.

Education Committee

An educated workforce is critical for the success of businesses and the community they serve.  The Kerrville Area Chamber's goal is to bring together business owners/leaders with secondary and college educators to develop effective learning systems that benefit the school, business, and the community.

Communications Committee

Read all about us! Tasked with the responsibility and oversight of several chamber communication tools, the volunteers on this active committee meet once a month. From suggesting copy content, highlights, and chamber news to offering free monthly Coffee Talks, mini educational series for members, the communication committee stays busy additionally supporting the chamber staff with other communicative resources such as the website, eblasts, and news.

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